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You suspend tasks and things.               You make sure that you can stay here a little longer.   In this state, place and time that most people associate with “inconvenience”. Inhibition has various shades. Sometimes it will result in literal impossibility to move around – passiveness. At other times, it leads to a conclusion that running away, setting out, finding your place somewhere else is just a matter of a quick decision and perseverance. The environment – other people, the law, the impossibility to avoid numerous duties – sometimes makes this state of inconvenience last   a long time. We are waiting for a better time, not knowing that it may in fact be waiting for a turn for worse.
The people portrayed are individuals with complicated biographies. Difficult past. They live in a kind of limbo state. Rather hopeful about the future, but with no delusions. The first step – setting out on a journey, changing their whereabouts – has already been made. Some of them have reached safe places, but it does not mean that the journey is over. Work or happiness cannot be found on the street.             They can.
The photographs are a visual commentary on the present time, when the world can increasingly often be described as “uncertain”. Looking through the glass, or looking at the screen of your smartphone, waiting for something that is supposed to happen. Melancholy, however, might be the creation of people living in privileged countries.  This waiting is often connected with literal escape, looking for a shelter, struggling for better economic safety. 
The project consists of photographs taken between 2005-2017 in the areas of the Palestinian Authority, Ethiopia, Greece, Iraq, Morocco, Libya, Lebanon and Uganda.
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